波多 英寛 日南川 英明 平山 寛 花田 俊也 藤原 和人 廣江 哲幸
スペース・エンジニアリング・コンファレンス講演論文集 : Space Engineering Conference (ISSN:09189238)
vol.2009, no.18, pp.107-110, 2010-01-28

This study was bursting test of lithium-ion battery using small satellite by overcharge. As a result, the lithium-ion battery exploded by overcharge and confirmed that a flame occurred. The temperature at the time of the bursting was measured, and it was around 150 degrees Celsius. As for the collection fragments, it was measured dimensions, and the distribution of the collection fragments was provided.
吉田 哲二 金山 秀樹 山本 亘 向山 澄夫 金森 洋史 青木 滋
スペース・エンジニアリング・コンファレンス講演論文集 : Space Engineering Conference (ISSN:09189238)
vol.2009, no.18, pp.67-70, 2010-01-28

永田 晴紀 渡辺 三樹生 伊藤 光範 前田 剛典 戸谷 剛 工藤 勲
スペース・エンジニアリング・コンファレンス講演論文集 : Space Engineering Conference (ISSN:09189238)
vol.2004, no.13, pp.1-4, 2005-01-20

Small-scale reusable sounding rocket system is under development to provide means of stratosphere observation and three-minutes microgravity experiment. The propulsion system is a hybrid type that uses solid fuel (plastics) and liquid oxygen as propellants and free from explosives, resulting in the dramatically reduced launch cost. To enhance the burning rate of the solid fuel and to augment the thrust, the rocket has employed a new fuel grain design. This new design, named CAMUI as an abbreviation of "Cascaded Multistage Impinging-jet", allows mixing and combustion to occur around stagnation points on fuel surfaces. Successful launch experiments using a 50-kgf CAMUI engine have proved the feasibility of the basic idea of the system. Finally, possible configurations of the stratosphere observation vehicle and the microgravity test vehicle are presented.
白坂 成功 石橋 金徳 中須賀 真一
スペース・エンジニアリング・コンファレンス講演論文集 : Space Engineering Conference (ISSN:09189238)
vol.2010, no.19, pp."F4-1"-"F4-4", 2011-01-27

Under the current development of mid-to-large size satellites, the high reliability is mandatory to avoid failures and their development cost increases enormously to achieve the high reliability. On the other hand, several universities develop and launch nano-satellites with low cost for the purpose of education from around 2000. To generate new market for satellite utilization, low cost and fast development are key points. The balance of cost and reliability is one of the very important points to realize the markets. The theoretical research toward the balance of cost and reliability is being conducted through the governmental first program "New Space Development and Utilization Paradigm by Nano-satellites Introducing Japan-oriented Reasonable Reliable Systems Engineering". This paper presents the concept of the way to realize the reasonably reliable systems engineering. Current reliability is based on the assumption that there is no miss-design and it only depends on the random failure of parts. However, many of real on-orbit failures were caused by design errors. We propose the new reliability which includes design error and the definition of the reasonably reliable Systems Engineering. The realization concept consists of re-use of design, reduction of complexity, functional redundancy and simple organization to develop nano-satellites.